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Premature Coffee Drop and Koleroga Disease: KVK Kodagu's Advice

Veerendra Kumar K.V., Subject Matter Specialist in Plant Protection at ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, offers guidance to coffee growers on managing Premature Coffee Drop and Koleroga Disease.

Coffee is one of the most widely traded agricultural commodities in the world. Coffee occupies a place of pride among plantation crops grown in India. Kodagu district in Karnataka is the hub for coffee production. It is the livelihood for 80% of its residents and every farmer in Kodagu produce around 50-500 bags of coffee every year and providing significant economic and social security to farmers. 

During the current year, majority of the coffee growing areas received an average rainfall of 50 to 60 inches till date. The development of uneven sized berries, premature berry drop and koleroga due to unseasonal rainfall received during early summer months, continuous cloudy weather coupled with intermittent showers received during June month and heavy rainfall received during the past two weeks resulted in proliferation of the pathogen and outbreak of the rot diseases causes substantial losses in coffee plantations.

In general, the pre-mature fruit drop is seen to an extent of 5% to 8% in arabica and about 10% in Robusta is commonly observed during monsoon season. During June–July months, which also coincides with berry development stage (90 to 120 days after flowering) due to soil saturation causing hormonal imbalance. The impact of climate change, especially the variations in rainfall pattern both in terms of quantum and distribution is commonly experienced in coffee growing areas of Kodagu District. 

This article provides comprehensive guidance for coffee farmers in the district on controlling coffee drop and managing fungal diseases. To mitigate these problems and improve yields, farmers are advised to follow the measures outlined below:

Causes of Coffee Droppings:

Wet feet: Current year, the coffee growing regions of Kodagu District received high quantum of rainfall in short periods leading to flooding of plantations, soil erosion and water logging in the root zone causing wet foot conditions. Physiological pre-mature fruit drop under ‘Wet feet’ conditions, is associated with reduction in endogenous levels of cytokinins coupled with high content of abscisic acid (ABA) and reduction in carbohydrate reserve and nutrients.

Multiple Blossom: Multiple blossoms lead to development of different sized berries due to unusual rains in January and February. The competition among the different-sized developing berries for carbohydrate reserves causes’ additional drop of pre-mature berries.Plants bearing a high number of berries are also vulnerable for high percentage of fruit drop due to competition among the developing berries for carbohydrate reserves and nutrients.

Stalk and black rot diseases: The soil saturation coupled with cool ambient temperature and high relative humidity provide ideal conditions for flare up of rot diseases such as stalk rot and black rot diseases causing defoliation and also the pre-mature fruit drop, affecting crop production to a great extent. The ongoing heavy monsoon rains are exacerbating these issues, increasing the severity of coffee diseases and the likelihood of further coffee drop.

Solutions to address the issues:

During the break in monsoon, application of one bag of Urea or two bags of Ammonium Sulphate and 25 kg of Murate of Potash (MOP) per acre is highly beneficial as it replenishes the nitrogen supply, reduces leaf and Berry drop and promotes vigorous vegetative growth.

Provide good drainage system.i.e., cleaning of cradle pits and renovation of trenches to reduce stagnation of water around toot zone

For areas with significant fungal disease spray Tebuconazole 200 ml in 200 litre of water along with 1 kg of potassium nitrate (13:0:45),50 ml Planofix and any wetting agent with proper coverage of developing berries, lower and upper surface of the leaves and young branches during clear break in the monsoons to minimise the disease incidence, spread and berry drop.

For further assistance, contact and also visit Nearby Coffee Board:

Veerendra Kumar K.V.

Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection)

ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gonikoppal

Ponnampet Taluk, Kodagu 

Phone: 9741621493

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