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Memorandum for the consideration of Kodava demands and goals, put forth by CNC the irrepressible voice of Kodava world.

Writer's picture: Kodagu Express BureauKodagu Express Bureau

Memorandum for the  consideration of our demands and goals, put forth by CNC the irrepressible voice of Codava world.

Subject : 

1. As under Article 244 R/ w 6th and 8th Schedule of our Constitution, Codavas have the right to a traditional and indivisible Homeland of the indigenous Codava people. It should carve a Codavland Geo- Political Autonomous region with Self- Rule. The demand was coined by CNC and Advocated by Dr. Prof.Subramanian Swamyji, the world renowned economist, a Harvard scholar and a person of terrestrial weight, initiated the PIL in the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka in Wp no 7769/ 2023 for Adjudication.

2. The UN's recognition[Under the UN resolution 217 A (III) ] for ancient aborginal indigenous micro Codavas and their self- determination rights should be respected and guaranteed under the international Law. 

3. The ST tag for the micro community of Codavas, under Articles 340- 342 of our Constitution: Codavas being a  vulnerable, dwindling community, should be protected from extinction. As per the Hon'ble High Court's order, the WP moved by petioner organisation CNC in 2021 bearing WP no 7003/2021, to conduct a comprehensive ethnographic study to facilitate them to incude in the Scheduled list of our Constitution.


1.The Codava homeland has existed since the beginning of the existence of this continent on our planet. Codava territory was known as "Krodha" Desha. It was one of the 56 Raashtras of (Chappannaaru Janapada Raashtras) Bharathavarsha. Existing through the Vedic era, the Upanishads, the Helenistic world, period of the Mahajanapada as well as the medival era. 

It existed as a separate Politico- Administrative unit. Even during the rule of the Cholas, Pandyas, Cheras and other alien clans in the Deccan, Codavaland has always remained a separate entity. Thus, Codavaland reigned as a nation/kingdom by itself. And existed consecutively, as a British Protectorate, British Indian Province, Independent Indian Province during the Raj, and finally as a type ``C'' State under the Constitution of India until the 1956 State re-organization Act came into force.

We Codavas are an indigenous aboriginal native tribe of this land. Since the geneses of the human race, Codava tribe has existed on this land. The soil-psychology of the land is deep rooted in us Codavas.

Therefore, the Codava homeland and the Codava tribe are both ancient and antique.

The entire pristine land and landscape of Codag, all of its territory has belonged to us Codavas. We Codavas have always considered the Spring and the River Cauvery as our lifeline, as our Mother. We worship Mother Nature, Mother Earth and, our Mother Cauvery. We treat weapons as Sacrament. We Codavas created our own sacred groves for ecological balance, known as Devakad, as well as revered places for religious congregation - Mandh in each village and one in each Naad known as Oor Mandh and Naad Mandh respectively. Our clannish system of societal fabric with a headman in each clan known as, ``Korovakaara'' who is the chief of his particular clan. Anthropologically, chiefdom chiefs, chieftains have administered this tiny land as a village republic. This was until outsiders began to conquer this peaceful land. With the advent of alien conquerors entering our land, they not only tried to take away our culture by slowly erasing it, but also disturbed our peace and tranquillity. Particularly, the Paaleri dynasty AKA Keladhi dynasty of Ikkeri/ Shimoga. Thereafter, the British, in a rather ``British fashion'' with a ``loot'' mindset, plundered our hereditary, communal lands, first, through expropriation, second, by confiscation and if that did not work, they would resort to grabbing land through intimidation. They took possession of our lands and either sold it or leased it out to foreign business houses. A large chunk of outsiders started to pour in and this continues till today, under our so called democratic leaders. NRI business tycoons and MNCs have now taken control of this pristine land. 

All lands had originally belonged to the indigenous Codavas as their hereditary property. For example, erstwhile Consolidated Company opened by the British, planted Coffee in Codava hereditary lands in Paadinaad Hills of the Western Ghat, but Codavas of that region uprooted it and chased them away.  

Some other such examples of land grabbing habits of the outsiders that came in would be, (i) the 100 acres of Perubukolli Estate in Chettalli-  the original owners are Mullanda clan, (ii) 250 acres Cyncona Estate situated in Ibnivalvadi, that originally belonged to Nandineravanda Muthanna Patel, (iii) 100 acres of Coorghalli Estate in Kodagaralli, originally belonged to Jaggaaranda clan, (iv)  100 acres of Dankal Estate in Chettimani originally belonged to Mandapanda Clan of Bengnaad.

Now Codavaland, AKA Coorg has become a known name in the tourism map. In fact, it is listed as India's top tourism destination. The Govt, has come up with various agencies and schemes, to supposedly aid, help and improve homestays and resorts in Coorg, and help the native population. But sadly, all these schemes and assistance is availed by outsiders mainly. They are the beneficiaries. They come here and enter into our voter list, then they claim that they are the original native Codavas. Why is this happening? It is because the Codavas that actually need Govt aid, do not even know of its existence? These Codavas in need are not literate, and live deep in the woods, where no education, no electricity no Govt ``schemes'' ever reaches them. Ironic, that the very community the Govt aims to support, does not even know that they are being ``supported'', meanwhile, the educated outsiders, look at Coorg and the Govt aid as a business opportunity, and avail everything that the Govt offers its natives, to promote them and their dying culture. All because these outsiders have found a loophole i.e, enrolling in the voter list, meanwhile, the Indigenous Codavas, who actually need and deserve every Govt aid, remain in a rather hapless condition. The question is, is the Govt unaware, or are they simply turning a blind eye to this situation because it suits them.

This land is now being colonised by neo-colonisers, or rather, internal colonisers. The GOK is using our very own spineless, elected representatives to execute its anti- Codava policy and to justify their misdeeds. And to do so, the Govt is using the 1% of the ``creamy layer'' Codavas as human shield to justify their actions.

3.The elected members who represent us in the Parliament and Assembly are facilitated with permit, and licence to loot. They are working hand in glove with business ventures in collusion with MNCs and NRI business houses, who are in fact very hostile to the indigenous Codava interest. The sleeping partnership of our law makers is a legal sanctity for the alien exploiters.

One glaring example of this would be, what followed after the merger of Coorg to the Mysore State for the benefit of the Mysore plains. 2 major irrigation projects namely "Harangi" and 'Hancod" reservoirs built unscientifically, heavily benefitted construction companies and politicians. What started decades ago, for the benefit of outsiders, ended with a great catastrophe in 2018-19 for the locals/natives. More than 12 Codava villages submerged and disappeared. Even in 2019, UN observers' group cautioned to dismantle 2000 such aging reservoirs in India. Despite warnings from the UN, such reservoirs continue to exist.

Besides all, the Politicians have purchased lands, in order to convert their black money into white. Codavaland has become a weekend dustbin for black money dealers.

There are more than 300 companies operating in Coorg/Codavaland. All the lands originally belonged to the Indigenous Codavas' hereditary property. These companies profit not just from coffee and pepper, but their main source of income is timber trade and illegal practices of the same. These companies have destroyed our scared groves, our Devakad, all for their greed. Even the friends and kin of these representatives are engaged in Timber loot in our land, and are very much hand in glove with the timber mafias. The same mafias that are wanted by the Govt. 

2500 acres of Coffee Estate of BBTC (Bobay Burma Trading Corporation) owned by Mohmed Ali Jinnah's grand Son, Nusli Wadia, was sold to a business tycoon who runs a chain of hotels. Recently, even that land was again sold in parts, to a few individuals who are now converting it to residential layouts with villas for sale. In which, our very Union Law maker/MP, from Hassan, is party. Codag has been a ``Sone ki chidiya'' for him, as he has literally made his fortune, both economic and political in elections here and even won twice. To facilitate him one of the prime co-operative banks financed him a few crores by violating all norms.

Another politician and law maker who runs Megha business house in Bangalore, purchased 300 acres of pristine land near "Tadiyanda Mol" mountain and then sold it piece by piece to convert it to residential societies and villas for sale.

All these lands come under perennial water resources of our life line, river Cauvery. Construction of that scale in an area that should otherwise be protected will certainly puncture the veins of our river system and cause largescale ecological damage.

4. In 2013, Telangana State was carved by an act of Parliament under Aricle 2 and 3 of our Constitution. In 2014, Special Economic package was assigned to Hyderabad-Karnataka Region by an act of Parliament which fulfilled their long standing demand, having been neglected by the GOK and was brought under Article 371 (J) of our Constitution. The special status, guaranteed that the youth of Hyderabad-Karnataka region were accommodated with reservation for jobs and seats in educational institutions, not only in Karnataka. This reservation was not just limited to Karnataka, but it extended throughout the nation for the youth of Hyderabad-Karnataka region. Now, a large number of people from Hyderabad-Karnataka region are enjoying employment in all the fields in Coorg. Meanwhile, our 

Gullible tribal Codava youth stay unemployed, with no benefits of special status, nor reservation in their own homeland. Our homeland Coorg/Codava territory was amalgamated with Karnataka on 1st November 1956, vide State Reorganisation act; on the very same day, the two abovementioned regions- Hyderabad-Karnataka (erstwhile Nizam Province of Hyderabad) was made to join Karnataka, while, Telangana had to join Vishalandhra (Andhra Pradesh). The GOI gave Telangana and Hyderabad-Karnataka its due by giving them a separate identity guaranteed under the constitution. While the Codavas' claim, which is quite similar to Telangana and Hyderabad-Karnataka, and just as legitimate, if not more, has not yet been met by the Govt. Why the partiality and why are we being discriminated against? 

5.As per the Indian Constitution and the Charter of United Nations Organization, the Codava claim is legitimate, humane and realistic. Throughout the world, countless Indigenous Ethnic Groups have been recognised by the UNO under international law and have been assigned self-determination rights and have even carved Geo-Political Autonomy in terms of self-rule for those Indigenous groups. India being the signatory of various UN international covenants, declarations pertaining to the interest, rights and protection of indigenous groups, and micro ethnic groups, India should therefore, demonstrate its commitments and adhere to the UN charter towards Codavas. 

In India, there are 10 Autonomous Regions and their Autonomous Councils operating in North - Eastern States under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution. Even in the UT of Ladakh, there is the Ladakh Buddhist Autonomous region and Leh Autonomous Region and 2 Autonomous Councils for the same are functioning.

The Sixth Schedule of the Constitution provides for the administration of tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram to safeguard the rights of the tribal population in these states. This special provision is provided under Article 244(2) and Article 275(1) of the Constitution. Passed by the Constituent Assembly in 1949, the Sixth Schedule was formulated to provide the limited autonomy to the tribal regions of North-East. It was based on the reports of Bardoloi Committee formed by the Constituent Assembly. The committee report stated that there was a need for a system of administration that would allow tribal areas to become developed. The report also called for the protection of these tribal areas from exploitation by the people in the plains and preserving their distinct social customs. It gives the tribals freedom to exercise legislative and executive powers through an autonomous regional council and autonomous district councils (ADCs).The ADCs are the districts within the state to which the central government has given varying degree of autonomy within the State Legislature.

6) In Russia, there is an autonomous Oblast for Jews, in China, there are 5 Autonomous Regions with their Councils functioning, such as the Tibetan Autonomous Region, Uyigur Autonomous Region, Inner Mangol Autonomous Region and so on. In Bangladesh, CHT/Chittagong Hill Tracts for the Chakma Ethnic group. In Pakistan, there is the Federally Administered Tribal Agency and Tribal Region for various tribes of Northwestern Frontier Province. In Northern Iraq, there is Kurdistan Autonomous Region, functioning with a Council for the Kurd people dwelling in the Suleimani Mountains. Therefore, even the GOI should adhere to the guidelines of the UNO and recognise the Codava ethnic group and initiate Constitutional mechanism to carve Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy in the interest of justice and equity for the people of Coorg and India.

7. UN Resolution 217 A (111), Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal,eco-nomic, social and cultural institutions, while re-taining their right to participate fully, if they so choose in the political, economic, social and cul-ture life of the State.

Indigenous Peoples are inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people and the environment. They have retained social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live.

Indigenous Peoples are inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people and the environment. They have retained social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live. Despite their cultural differences, Indigenous Peoples from around the world share common problems related to the protection of their rights as distinct peoples.

Indigenous Peoples have sought recognition of their identities, way of life and their right to traditional lands, territories and natural resources for years, yet throughout history, their rights have always been violated. Indigenous Peoples today, are arguably among the most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups of people in the world. The international community now recognizes that special measures are required to protect their rights and maintain their distinct cultures and way of life. Find below a short history of the Indigenous struggle in the international stage.

8. An ST tag is our birthright. We Codavas fulfil all the criteria for our inclusion in the ST list.

Our clannish society, food habits, hunting skills, warriorhood, wedding rituals, death rituals, naming ceremonies, our lullabies, ballads, folkloric dances, festivities, dress, way of worship, death songs, marriage songs, Mother Earth and Ancestor worship, consumption of meat, our love for alcohol, agro- pastoral lifestyle, hereditary communal lands, dwelling in dense forests and mountainous terrains of the Western Ghats, living in harmony with the wild, between rivulets, rivers, and waterfalls, experiencing heavy monsoon with torrential rainfall, venomous leaches, serpents, snakes like cobras, and pythons, wild animals like tigers and elephants even to this day. All our religious cycle revolves around the divine spring, Cauvery. These unique traits are very tribal in nature.

All the official documents from the British Raj, in the census enumeration carried from the years 1881 to 1931, the anthropological survey of India and epigraphy of India, authenticates our tribal ancestry.

Ours is a dwindling population. Only around 80,000 Codavas dwell in Coorg/Codava territory.

In order to protect this micro tribe, Codava National Council has been striving for the inclusion of Codavas in the ST list since 2004. CNC had organised 24 hour long Sathyagrahas for 10 days straight, in 2005, near the DC' s office in Coorg, during the peak of monsoon. In 2006, CNC 

visited National Tribal Commission (NCST) in New Delhi. Thereafter, the 1 man commission, headed by Budru Srinivasalu visited Codavaland. Again, in 2007, we met Dr Urmila Singh at New Delhi, the then Chairperson of the NCST. In the meantime, we also conducted public awareness programs regarding the same. In 2010, CNC delegation met the Union Tribal Minister, Kanthilal Bhuria, who then ordered for an Ethnographic Study of the Codava people of Coorg/Codavland.

Unfortunately, the said ethnographic study was manipulated by the then Speaker of Karnataka and he made sure to sabotage it. The so called Codava friendly Govt was helming the State. 

Due to the CNC's tireless representation to the Union Govt, in 2016 the Union Govt finally reordered a study. Which again was destroyed halfway into the study by Devaattparamb Codava Genocide beneficiaries.

CNC did not give up. It continued its efforts. Sri Kumaraswamy Govt. ordered for an ethnographic re-study as a response to CNC's request, in November 2018. Alas, even that study was deliberately damaged and destroyed by the same Devaattparamb Codava Genocide beneficiaries under the behest of our Union Law maker and a local representative of Codavaland, with the active connivance of an extra- constitutional authority.

The CNC delegation met Justice Nag Mohandas Commission and conveyed our grievance before the Commission. The Commission recorded our grievances.

Thereafter, CNC approached the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka for adjudication under WP No-7003/2021.

The Hon'ble HC ordered for a fresh Study.

We approached the Govt for the implementation of the HC's order. We then met the concerned Minister. Ministry of Social Welfare and Tribal Ministry convened a meeting with the CNC Chairman, N U Nachappa Codava at Vikasasoudha on the 7th of April, 2022 and farworded the file No. SWD 74 SAD 2022 to the Tribal Ministry. We met the team of the visiting members of the NCST at Ponnampet IB in Dec, 2021. On 1st Nov, 2022, we met the NCST Chairman and its Members in NCST office at New Delhi. After much set back, we met the Tribal Minister. He obliged to forward the file to the then CM, Bommai. The then CM quashed the file by yielding to the words of the backstabbing MP and MLA duo. 

On 15th July, 2023, CNC delegation met the incumbent CM, Shri Siddaramaiah ji in the presence of our Virajpet MLA, Sri AS Ponnana. The CM agreed to initiate fresh ethnographic study on the directions of the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka.   

Six months have passed since.

We urge the Govt to initiate impartial, comprehensive and a meticulous ethnographic study of the Codava people, without any further delay and include us in the ST list at the earliest.

Post Script :

a) The Govt has tried its best to delink us Codavas from our homeland and our soil by erasing and changing our real history by going to the extent of employing bogus historians, and in particular, a fake scholar from the University of Hampi. All to undermine our legitimacy.

b. It is now saddening to see them use our poor folk artists for rather poor wages in their resorts to attract tourists. They are making a mockery out of our people and our culture. Much like how these 5 star hotels in Rajasthan use local "Kadiboli" dancers. Rather disrespectful.

C. To suppress the voice of the indigenous Codavas and their self- determination rights. The Govt has been attempting to marginalise and create illegitimacy in the indegenous Codavas' cause by encouraging outsiders to camouflage as Codavas and have been encouraging the import of tribals from Wayanad, Sargur of HD Kote, Nilagiri, Bihar, Assom, Bengal and Maharashtra to pose as the ``real tribes'' of Coorg.

d. Alien Rajas and the British came into an inter-alia agreement and fought together in all four Anglo-Mysore wars against Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan, all with the help and participation of the gallant Codava warriors under subsidiary alliance. When their inter-alia agreement broke, they became arch enemies and fought against each other to conquer and control Codavaland.  In 1834, waged wars against each other. The Rapacious Raja and party were humiliatingly defeated by the Codava warriors. This event is funnily being projected as  a freedom struggle by GOK, which of course is a wrong narrative. 

One is was an Autocratic barbaric Raja and another, a colonial force. Neither of the two were freedom lovers nor humanitarians. So how were we Codavas wrong to not wa?

e.The above outside companies and NRI, MNC, Business Houses  have also earned the name as sole protectors of environment unfairly. They haven't done anything to protect our ecology and yet, they are the ones who are getting carbon credit from the UNO for the same.

Memorandum submitted through District Administration to The President of India, The Prime Minister of India, The Union Minister for Home Affairs, The Union Law Minister of India, World renowned Economist Dr Subramanian Swamy ji, The Chief Minister of Karnataka, The Secretary General of UNO, The Director General of UNESCO.

Disclaimer: The content above is a press release by the Codava National Council (CNC). The Kodagu Express would like to emphasize that it has not undertaken any editing or modification of any kind to the information apart from the headline presented in this release. The article is provided in its original form as submitted by the CNC.

Readers are advised to approach the article with a critical mindset and consider it within the context of being a press release from the Codava National Council. The Kodagu Express is committed to providing a platform for various perspectives, and this article is presented with the intent of information dissemination rather than editorial endorsement.



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