Bengaluru: Kodagu, also known as Coorg, has been grappling with severe weather conditions over the past few days, leading to damaged roads, widespread flooding, and reports of landslides. In response to the escalating situation, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is scheduled to visit the district on Friday, August 2, to assess the damage and address the urgent needs of the affected communities.
According to a statement from the Chief Minister's office on Thursday, Siddaramaiah's visit will include several key stops across the district. His itinerary begins at 11:30 a.m. in Srimangala, near Ponnampet, where he will inspect the damage to a major state highway. At 12:45 p.m., he will move on to Kedamullur Village in Virajpet to further evaluate road damage and the impact on local infrastructure.
Following this, at approximately 2:00 p.m., Siddaramaiah will visit the Swarnamala Care Center in Siddapura. This stop is aimed at reviewing the situation at the care center and assessing any immediate needs or assistance required. Later in the day, at around 4:00 p.m., he will hold a press conference at the Sudarshan Guest House in Madikeri to address the media and provide updates on the government’s response to the crisis.
The Chief Minister’s visit will conclude with a visit to Madapatna Village in Kushalnagar Taluk, where he will inspect the damage to residential properties caused by the heavy rains. Siddaramaiah is expected to meet with local residents, Virajpet MLA AS Ponnanna, Madikeri MLA Mantar Gowda and officials to discuss relief measures and support for those impacted by the disaster.
After wrapping up his one-day visit to Kodagu, Siddaramaiah will head to Mysuru around 5:00 p.m.
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Kodagu (Coorg) Rains: Here Are the Emergency Numbers for Immediate Assistance: CLICK HERE