Kodagu is set to receive light to moderate rainfall over the next week, ensuring the region experiences continued wet conditions. Here's the detailed day-wise forecast:
Day 1 (06.08.2024):
- Light to moderate rain/thundershowers very likely to occur at many places over the remaining districts of South Interior Karnataka.
Day 2 (07.08.2024):
- Light to moderate rain/thundershowers very likely to occur at many places over the remaining districts of Interior Karnataka.
Day 3 (08.08.2024):
- Light to moderate rain very likely to occur at many places over the districts of Interior Karnataka.
Day 4 (09.08.2024):
- Light to moderate rain very likely to occur at many places over the districts of South Interior Karnataka.
Day 5 (10.08.2024):
- Light to moderate rain very likely to occur at many places over the districts of South Interior Karnataka.
Day 6 (11.08.2024):
- Light to moderate rain very likely to occur at many places over the districts of South Interior Karnataka.
Day 7 (12.08.2024):
- Light to moderate rain very likely to occur at many places over the districts of South Interior Karnataka.
Synoptic Feature:
“The off-shore trough at mean sea level is feeble and runs along the south Gujarat to north Kerala coast,” stated in the India Meteorological Department, Bengaluru press release on Tuesday, 6 August.
Source: India Meteorological Department, Bengaluru. Daily Weather Report for Karnataka State, Issued at 1200 hrs IST, 6 August 2024.